Last year was the first time that I celebrated Thanksgiving here. There's no equivalent to Thanksgiving back home. So I was fascinated with all the tales of the turkey, cranberries, stuffing, etc. I had the opportunity to take part in Tita Novelle's Thanksgiving celebration. It was very interesting, it had both the touch of the American way of Thanksgiving and Tita Novelle's with the paksiw na bangus, yum and was that dinuguan? Well, something really sumptuous that only Pinoys could stand to look at and eat. I was apprehensive at first because other than Tita Novelle, I didn't really know anyone there. I liked the fact that I wasn't just a guest but I helped prepare the appetizers. It was easy work and I felt quite useful. Hehehe...I didn't just go there to eat but to help out as well.
It was interesting to see her family, well, her husband's side anyways. I think the best part was that after all that eating, Tita Novelle still managed to set aside Filipino food that we could enjoy silently in the kitchen. Of course, we couldn't really hide it, I got to take home some of the food. I think that's Tita Novelle's style. You never go home empty handed.
This year, I am thankful for a lot of things.
I am thankful for my family who remained strong despite what has happened and to see things in a new perspective.
I am thankful that I have a job that is challenging and hopefully, I will still have that job next year.
I am thankful for my colleagues who I feel support me, despite my shortcomings.
Most of all, I am thankful for the people who love me. I wouldn't be here without them.
I am thankful for many many things this year! And that is why I am looking forward to next year...because it can only get better!

It was interesting to see her family, well, her husband's side anyways. I think the best part was that after all that eating, Tita Novelle still managed to set aside Filipino food that we could enjoy silently in the kitchen. Of course, we couldn't really hide it, I got to take home some of the food. I think that's Tita Novelle's style. You never go home empty handed.
This year, I am thankful for a lot of things.
I am thankful for my family who remained strong despite what has happened and to see things in a new perspective.
I am thankful that I have a job that is challenging and hopefully, I will still have that job next year.
I am thankful for my colleagues who I feel support me, despite my shortcomings.
Most of all, I am thankful for the people who love me. I wouldn't be here without them.
I am thankful for many many things this year! And that is why I am looking forward to next year...because it can only get better!
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happy thanksgiving! this year certainly brought new perspective to our family.
Happy Thanksgiving Karen. We all have had a lot to be thankful for this year, health and the love of good friends among them. may it always continue
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