Half of November is gone and what have I done? Well, mostly work work and work. I'm just glad to have ticked off a couple of IEPs for November just to get it over and done with. Well, for now. Last year, I didn't realize the busiest time of the year was the end of the year when I did transition IEPs, report cards, progress reports, ESY documents, etc. But at the end of it all, there's nothing like a desk that you can actually see (at least the surface) and papers and files put away for the summer and ready and waiting for August again.
I admit that last year was definitely challenging (and I won't detail the how's and why's but suffice to say it was mostly people related challenges). This year, although it continues to be a challenge, I am thrilled by the fact that I am starting to think about what I can do for the kids that I have other than working on their curriculum but also making materials for them that is related to their IEPs as well as independent work that they can do. Again, there are a lot of ideas swirling in my mind, and no, I am not reinventing the wheel, but I didn't realize the resources that I have, or could have if given the time. Definitely I will start writing them down so that during the summer, when I only have to work half of the day, I can start working on these ideas. Hopefully, if I am still here next year, despite the budget cuts, I will have made something meaningful for the children and something that I have invested on and can take me whereever I go. But I am just thrilled and looking forward to using these resources and using my most beloved, laminator! I just love it. If I had all the time in the world, I would be laminating everything in sight. But since I don't, I just laminate what I can when I need it.
And now that it is almost December, it is now time to work on my report cards. I feel stressed out just thinking about it and reading posts by my fellow teachers about how they have started it but I know that the first step is almost always starting it. So I all I have to do is take the bull by the horns so speak and actually follow my own advice!

I admit that last year was definitely challenging (and I won't detail the how's and why's but suffice to say it was mostly people related challenges). This year, although it continues to be a challenge, I am thrilled by the fact that I am starting to think about what I can do for the kids that I have other than working on their curriculum but also making materials for them that is related to their IEPs as well as independent work that they can do. Again, there are a lot of ideas swirling in my mind, and no, I am not reinventing the wheel, but I didn't realize the resources that I have, or could have if given the time. Definitely I will start writing them down so that during the summer, when I only have to work half of the day, I can start working on these ideas. Hopefully, if I am still here next year, despite the budget cuts, I will have made something meaningful for the children and something that I have invested on and can take me whereever I go. But I am just thrilled and looking forward to using these resources and using my most beloved, laminator! I just love it. If I had all the time in the world, I would be laminating everything in sight. But since I don't, I just laminate what I can when I need it.
And now that it is almost December, it is now time to work on my report cards. I feel stressed out just thinking about it and reading posts by my fellow teachers about how they have started it but I know that the first step is almost always starting it. So I all I have to do is take the bull by the horns so speak and actually follow my own advice!
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