My week started getting busy yesterday. I finally finished my practice test for CSET and not surprisingly, my weakest area is American history. Oh back to basics and rereading it again, it is after all the second time that I've read it. I've started on one reviewer and will move on to 3 other books if I have the luxury of time. Doing the practice test was a good idea since it gave me a gauge as to where I was in terms of knowledge, or lack thereof, lol. On the bright side, it wasn't a total mess. I tried to make a "logical guess" if all else failed. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't but at least I had the opportunity to read the questions again and the right choices. I only have about a week to go other than this week. So I'm deliberately missing my favorite news from back home just to devote the time to studying.
After dinner today, that was what I did. I opened my book and started reading away. An hour later, I felt my eyelids feeling heavy so I took a nap, lol. Albeit a long one so now, I'm thinking that it was a big mistake since that would mean that I will have a difficult time sleeping. And since I've been taking the bus, sleeping through the night has been a challenge. I always wake up at different hours in the morning, sometimes at 2, 3 or 4 am and then I have no choice but to try to get back to sleep. And interrrupted sleep is not quality sleep, if you know what I mean.
At work, I'm catching up on doing re-assessment for a case load that I have. I have much to say but would rather not. You know how it is with work stuff and how what you say can be taken against you, by your So in that regard, my lips are sealed.
What I am happy about though is that this is my last IEP. Earlier today, I had completed paperwork for the previous IEP that I had. Whopee!! Definitely something to celebrate. I still have amendments but none as major as these cases.
So now that I've blogged, although I wish I could blog more, its back to the books for me. I'm trying a second computerized practice test. At least get my brain working a bit before the big day....

After dinner today, that was what I did. I opened my book and started reading away. An hour later, I felt my eyelids feeling heavy so I took a nap, lol. Albeit a long one so now, I'm thinking that it was a big mistake since that would mean that I will have a difficult time sleeping. And since I've been taking the bus, sleeping through the night has been a challenge. I always wake up at different hours in the morning, sometimes at 2, 3 or 4 am and then I have no choice but to try to get back to sleep. And interrrupted sleep is not quality sleep, if you know what I mean.
At work, I'm catching up on doing re-assessment for a case load that I have. I have much to say but would rather not. You know how it is with work stuff and how what you say can be taken against you, by your So in that regard, my lips are sealed.
What I am happy about though is that this is my last IEP. Earlier today, I had completed paperwork for the previous IEP that I had. Whopee!! Definitely something to celebrate. I still have amendments but none as major as these cases.
So now that I've blogged, although I wish I could blog more, its back to the books for me. I'm trying a second computerized practice test. At least get my brain working a bit before the big day....
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