Today we had the usual bus ride to work. And lo and behold, the machine was broken which we use to put in our money. Leila had started worrying earlier that she didn't have enough money to pay for her second ride. She borrowed a dollar from me and that was the only thing that I had. The other bill I had was a 20 which I was going to use for pay for something school-related. She was thinking of asking the other person also in the bus stop for some change but changed her mind and then going to Safeway to buy something just so she would have change.
As we got in the bus, I was started to put in my dollar when the lady driver stopped me and said that it was broken and that we should just get it. She gave Leila a day pass as well before she could ask the driver if she had change, lol. Wow, talk about a freebie. A day pass costs $5 in pesos, if you multiply that by 45, that's a whopping 225 pesos....yikers! Anyways, we were so happy. Everyone who came in the bus looked dazed and confused from such a lucky break....hehehe...But I think that won't last long, I bet she will go back to the VTA garage or something to have it fixed.
But in the meantime, I will savor something so trivial and yet great for the day. There's payday and a free ride, whopee!!
Now, its back to work...yehey!!! At least I still have a job, and come to think of it, about 32 days? And then its summer break...whopee!!!

As we got in the bus, I was started to put in my dollar when the lady driver stopped me and said that it was broken and that we should just get it. She gave Leila a day pass as well before she could ask the driver if she had change, lol. Wow, talk about a freebie. A day pass costs $5 in pesos, if you multiply that by 45, that's a whopping 225 pesos....yikers! Anyways, we were so happy. Everyone who came in the bus looked dazed and confused from such a lucky break....hehehe...But I think that won't last long, I bet she will go back to the VTA garage or something to have it fixed.
But in the meantime, I will savor something so trivial and yet great for the day. There's payday and a free ride, whopee!!
Now, its back to work...yehey!!! At least I still have a job, and come to think of it, about 32 days? And then its summer break...whopee!!!
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