Yey! Finally it's spring! why am I happy? Oh yeah, that means it'll be summer soon, oh, spring break first and then summer vacay. Yes! And one more reason to celebrate, yeah, report cards are done for the second trimester.
So, yesterday, it was actually quite warmer. Another reason to celebrate. Back home, I know its superwarm, lol with the start of summer. But here, burr...its been cold most of the time but with spring, I hope for warmer days to come.
With report cards all done, now it is time to move on to other things like reports? Hehehe...but the best part was actually going to Jollibee in Great Mall. Great Mall is in Milipitas and the drive was rather long but enjoyable, only because Leila's more confident in the freeway now. But geez, it is confusing when you have to find your exit and thinking about which lane to turn to when you come after the ramp, should you go to the left or right? Sometimes, the GPS tells it a bit too late, so by the time you realize that you should be in the other side, you can't cross the line anymore. And then you have to turn back somewhere else, etc. etc. etc. But at least we got there in one piece.
When we arrived, I remembered that that mall was where we had stopped when we got lost on our way home from San Francisco. Hm...back then, the person driving the car did not have a GPS. And decided to just ask directions and it was night time at that. Of course, we're going to get lost. I think that if you're driving, you should at least be responsible enough to remember where you're supposed to go and how you're supposed to get there and not just drive around and rely on directions given. Plus there's always the huge possibilty of getting lost, so, take a lot of patience and be calm when driving around.
So, we walked some ways from the carpark to the mall and we looked for Jollibee and yes, we found it. It was right next to Red Ribbon and opposite JJ clothing which I saw were selling Philippine shirts, probably among other things. In the mall, there seemed to be a lot of Pinoys walking around. Unlike the San Jose and Cup area where there are mostly Chinese. Also, there were Hispanics that I saw walking around.
We even saw another Pinoy teacher eating there, well, what do you know, small world indeed! So, I was thinking about what to order and although I would've wanted burgersteak meal, I figured, I might as well eat Meal#3, 1 pc chickenjoy with spaghetti and it has this huge coke to go with it. Yummy...
After the usual photo op, I started to dig into my food. Yum, yum. It tasted good. Although I must say, it can't quite compare to what I was expecting with the taste back home. But, what the heck. And yeah, the price? I was telling Leila that with the amount that I paid for, that could feed more than one person, oh well. The price of eating won't matter really since it gives you that nostalgic feeling...hehe..I know that when I used to have a job back home and I'd do my Sunday groceries, I would never fail to eat in Jollibee first with my burgersteak meal plus the soup. Yummy...didn't hurt my pocket as much. And then off to grocery shopping I go, with the advantage that now that I was well fed, I wouldn't get into shopping of things that I won't need but could just stick to my list. Oh wow, those were the days. Or when I lived with my mom, we'd use to go to SM in Dasma and eat too. Just for the heck of it and just to be out of the house. I know that's one of the things that I would do if and when I go home, go to Jollibee, order me my burgersteak meal and soup. If they still have it. I don't care that fastfood is bad for me. I only live once, so I eat what I want. Tha'ts my motto anyways.
Welcome spring, and I hope that I don't get allergic reactions to pollen and all the stuff that's floating around with the start of spring. Even the leaves of the trees are starting to look alive again with their green growth. Oh yes, I hope summer will soon be here. If only because I get to go on vacay, lol.

So, yesterday, it was actually quite warmer. Another reason to celebrate. Back home, I know its superwarm, lol with the start of summer. But here, burr...its been cold most of the time but with spring, I hope for warmer days to come.
With report cards all done, now it is time to move on to other things like reports? Hehehe...but the best part was actually going to Jollibee in Great Mall. Great Mall is in Milipitas and the drive was rather long but enjoyable, only because Leila's more confident in the freeway now. But geez, it is confusing when you have to find your exit and thinking about which lane to turn to when you come after the ramp, should you go to the left or right? Sometimes, the GPS tells it a bit too late, so by the time you realize that you should be in the other side, you can't cross the line anymore. And then you have to turn back somewhere else, etc. etc. etc. But at least we got there in one piece.
When we arrived, I remembered that that mall was where we had stopped when we got lost on our way home from San Francisco. Hm...back then, the person driving the car did not have a GPS. And decided to just ask directions and it was night time at that. Of course, we're going to get lost. I think that if you're driving, you should at least be responsible enough to remember where you're supposed to go and how you're supposed to get there and not just drive around and rely on directions given. Plus there's always the huge possibilty of getting lost, so, take a lot of patience and be calm when driving around.
So, we walked some ways from the carpark to the mall and we looked for Jollibee and yes, we found it. It was right next to Red Ribbon and opposite JJ clothing which I saw were selling Philippine shirts, probably among other things. In the mall, there seemed to be a lot of Pinoys walking around. Unlike the San Jose and Cup area where there are mostly Chinese. Also, there were Hispanics that I saw walking around.
We even saw another Pinoy teacher eating there, well, what do you know, small world indeed! So, I was thinking about what to order and although I would've wanted burgersteak meal, I figured, I might as well eat Meal#3, 1 pc chickenjoy with spaghetti and it has this huge coke to go with it. Yummy...
After the usual photo op, I started to dig into my food. Yum, yum. It tasted good. Although I must say, it can't quite compare to what I was expecting with the taste back home. But, what the heck. And yeah, the price? I was telling Leila that with the amount that I paid for, that could feed more than one person, oh well. The price of eating won't matter really since it gives you that nostalgic feeling...hehe..I know that when I used to have a job back home and I'd do my Sunday groceries, I would never fail to eat in Jollibee first with my burgersteak meal plus the soup. Yummy...didn't hurt my pocket as much. And then off to grocery shopping I go, with the advantage that now that I was well fed, I wouldn't get into shopping of things that I won't need but could just stick to my list. Oh wow, those were the days. Or when I lived with my mom, we'd use to go to SM in Dasma and eat too. Just for the heck of it and just to be out of the house. I know that's one of the things that I would do if and when I go home, go to Jollibee, order me my burgersteak meal and soup. If they still have it. I don't care that fastfood is bad for me. I only live once, so I eat what I want. Tha'ts my motto anyways.
Welcome spring, and I hope that I don't get allergic reactions to pollen and all the stuff that's floating around with the start of spring. Even the leaves of the trees are starting to look alive again with their green growth. Oh yes, I hope summer will soon be here. If only because I get to go on vacay, lol.
I knew it! The chicken don't look joyful to me.
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