Its raining cats and dogs outside. With the wind to I think the last time I heard the wind roar like that was when I was in SD. And burr, was it cold then. It's also cold here but it probably doesn't match the coldness in SD.
As usual, I woke up late without the sun in my eyes since the blinds were closed and the sun never really came out. I listened to the rain and the wind beating on the windows in my room. All snug and cozy like a caterpillar in a cocoon, lol. And like the proverbial cocoon, what drove me out was hunger. Today, I decided to forego the usual rice and have my frosted os and milk. With that all consumed, my usual glass of juice. This time I had Dole Peach and Mango juice. Then I had my vitamins and calcium tablet. And then it was back to bed. Playing neopets and listening to music and watching Wish Ko Lang. Times like these, when the rain just seems to go on and on and with the wind too chilly to be out, Filipino programs transport me back to a time in my apartment in Las Pinas or being at home with mom. All I lack is the food, yummy food that my mom prepares. I can just imagine the "utan" or the sabaw, or tinola. Yum yum. I miss home when the day gets depressing like these. I wish for home, the noise, the cats, the dog, my sisters, my nephews, my friends...even SM.
But then again, what's to complain about? In hard times like these, I'm just grateful to have a job, for now. To be able to talk to friends even if its just online, or to simply annoy my bf on the phone, lol.
Thank goodness for the little things in life.

As usual, I woke up late without the sun in my eyes since the blinds were closed and the sun never really came out. I listened to the rain and the wind beating on the windows in my room. All snug and cozy like a caterpillar in a cocoon, lol. And like the proverbial cocoon, what drove me out was hunger. Today, I decided to forego the usual rice and have my frosted os and milk. With that all consumed, my usual glass of juice. This time I had Dole Peach and Mango juice. Then I had my vitamins and calcium tablet. And then it was back to bed. Playing neopets and listening to music and watching Wish Ko Lang. Times like these, when the rain just seems to go on and on and with the wind too chilly to be out, Filipino programs transport me back to a time in my apartment in Las Pinas or being at home with mom. All I lack is the food, yummy food that my mom prepares. I can just imagine the "utan" or the sabaw, or tinola. Yum yum. I miss home when the day gets depressing like these. I wish for home, the noise, the cats, the dog, my sisters, my nephews, my friends...even SM.
But then again, what's to complain about? In hard times like these, I'm just grateful to have a job, for now. To be able to talk to friends even if its just online, or to simply annoy my bf on the phone, lol.
Thank goodness for the little things in life.
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