Yup, the short, but well-deserved midyear recess is over! The next break would be in spring break, just in time for my birthday...hehehe...whopee...but back to the grind. Meetings galore, reports to make, plus oh yeah, report cards to make. Time to rack my brain then. Oh well.
Hmmm...what have I done during the break? Well, basically nothing, lol. That is what a break is for anyways. Not do anything, but just laze around the house, watch movies online until your head feels like exploding, lol. Oh yeah, see my doctor...glad to know that I'm in good health, well, before I went for my physical anyways, because my tummy lately hasn't been cooperating. Is it because I'm well fed? Lol and trying to purge myself of my soda habit. Bad tummy. Now i'm back to guzzling my favorite soda, well til supplies last. Hopefully, when I get busy with work, my tummy will be the last thing on my mind.
And what else? Listening to music til my ears hurt, lol. I think the best part was just to be bored. That's a luxury I haven't had in a long time. I would've wanted to start packing the stuff I would have to send in my balikbayan box but I don't have the 3M tape yet and the pentel pen. Hehehe...Learning as much as I can about packing. The most interesting tidbit I read was someone actually putting rice in between the nooks and crannies to stabilize the box. Well, what do you know, you're sending home too rice...hehehe...Or putting plywood at the sides of the box to make sure that it doesn't collapse. Try imagining your box at the bottom of what 5 other boxes? Well, something to that effect though. That did make me thing about the toys I was sending. Will they be squashed by the time it gets to my family? Lol.
Oh yeah, I did see a video that happyslip about these boxes. Pretty funny, sang to the tune of 12 days of Christmas. Of course it was paid for by a sponsor which suggested that sending money is the best gift rather than the box. But then again, what is the charm of the balikbayan box? It's the thought that counts, lol. I'm a horrible shopper though. Anyways, we'll see if I can actually fill the 20x20x20 box that I have. If not, there's the dollar store, lol. Or if worse comes to worse, the rice to fill out the rest of the space. Lol.

Hmmm...what have I done during the break? Well, basically nothing, lol. That is what a break is for anyways. Not do anything, but just laze around the house, watch movies online until your head feels like exploding, lol. Oh yeah, see my doctor...glad to know that I'm in good health, well, before I went for my physical anyways, because my tummy lately hasn't been cooperating. Is it because I'm well fed? Lol and trying to purge myself of my soda habit. Bad tummy. Now i'm back to guzzling my favorite soda, well til supplies last. Hopefully, when I get busy with work, my tummy will be the last thing on my mind.
And what else? Listening to music til my ears hurt, lol. I think the best part was just to be bored. That's a luxury I haven't had in a long time. I would've wanted to start packing the stuff I would have to send in my balikbayan box but I don't have the 3M tape yet and the pentel pen. Hehehe...Learning as much as I can about packing. The most interesting tidbit I read was someone actually putting rice in between the nooks and crannies to stabilize the box. Well, what do you know, you're sending home too rice...hehehe...Or putting plywood at the sides of the box to make sure that it doesn't collapse. Try imagining your box at the bottom of what 5 other boxes? Well, something to that effect though. That did make me thing about the toys I was sending. Will they be squashed by the time it gets to my family? Lol.
Oh yeah, I did see a video that happyslip about these boxes. Pretty funny, sang to the tune of 12 days of Christmas. Of course it was paid for by a sponsor which suggested that sending money is the best gift rather than the box. But then again, what is the charm of the balikbayan box? It's the thought that counts, lol. I'm a horrible shopper though. Anyways, we'll see if I can actually fill the 20x20x20 box that I have. If not, there's the dollar store, lol. Or if worse comes to worse, the rice to fill out the rest of the space. Lol.
If you want to bottle/box a piece of Tate, then send a box. Sending a balikbayan box is so romantic - where's the romance in sending moolah? Ok, I know mom the practical one will appreciate that.
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