It's been almost a year since I've written in my personal blog. I also maintain a
special education blog, albeit
anonymously. Not because I write crazy stuff in there, sometimes I am tempted to! But because, oh wait, that is why I maintain it anonymously. You never know what else comes up! Crazy!
I've been busy with work (as usual) and more importantly with more
school work. This is the first time that I am actually looking forward to not studying again, but I have to. I started with clearing my
credential last year but before that I had to do my CLAD coursework because my emergency credential for that was going to expire after a year. I did it with
University of Phoenix and it was a lot of work! For those of you who think that online work is much easier, wrong wrong and wrong! There's so much work. A lot of work I think compared to g
Image via Wikipediaoing to a regular class. If you enroll in the face to face class, you probably go to class twice or thrice a week but in an
online class (depending on the class) you have to post 6 posts or more, sometimes daily and there are more readings (about 4 chapters a week) and more papers (one assignment and around 4 major papers) or more! Then what I hate the most in UOPX is the "group paper" which in reality just 2 - 3 people end up making anyways. That was what I disliked the most about UOPX. I wish they would do away with that because I think its a waste of time and its a lot of stress. Also, I understand the need to put references but APA is just a killer. Worse, other students do not even bother learning about APA. So in the end, one or two people do the APA references. And being that we're not experts at it, its even more maddening when a professor penalizes you for writing the wrong format!
So its been year since I've written anything in my blog because I'm swamped with another kind of writing. Oh well, I'm looking forward to completing it within the year...soon....
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