Today was the first time that I gassed up my Berting, lol. There I was, relaxed and on my way to school when lo and behold, when I checked the gas indicator, it was blinking!!! May day may day, help, help!! Almost megapanic...hehehe... I was blissful with the knowledge the day before that I could take it to the car shop and then leave it there to be repaired and then put gas in it afterwards. No such thing! There I was at the intersection staring at the indicator. Hmm...I could turn left to the nearest gas station then, but I was in the wrong lane. Or I could continue towards school and see if I could find a close gas station. So, on to the intersection I went to Moorpark and I saw the Valero gas station there. Yehey! Luckily, I had read the owner's manual a few nights before anticipating this great event...hehehe...And the gas station was deserted...yehey! At least if I did something embarrassing, no one was there to witness it. So there I was, getting my card and pressing in the zip code and doing this and that. Opened the fuel door and got the nuzzle. I tried to vainly make it into the hole...hehehe...but could not, so I had to press on the thingy to make it work....oh yeah. It took me awhile and I was starting to worry that the gas would overflow....hehehe...I stopped just in case and then loaded it up again and a few seconds later it was full. Oh yeah. At last the deed is done. My Berting is full of gas and ready to rock and roll...hehehe...So, I put back the nuzzle, got my receipt and drove off to work. And I have the receipt to prove it. Hopefully gas prices won't skyrocket...imagine paying for gas at $3, in pesos that would be??? Hehehe...times about 9....grrr!! Oh well. That's life.
Now my Berting is happy....gas wise. Now on to the repair shop visit. May they restore Berting's lost beauty...hay, sorry Berting nadaut ka ug sayo. Dili jud nako sala...sala sa Instik!!!!!

Now my Berting is happy....gas wise. Now on to the repair shop visit. May they restore Berting's lost beauty...hay, sorry Berting nadaut ka ug sayo. Dili jud nako sala...sala sa Instik!!!!!
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