Went to Las Vegas last Thursday and came back Tuesday morning. Looking back there are two things I learned about the trip. First is, to fly instead of drive, lol. Unless you plan to sleep and stop somewhere because 8 hours of driving is just long, lol. Not that I drive. Two, go there when its cooler like the fall or winter esp. if you plan to be outdoors most of the time because the heat during the summer just makes you wilt. The weather there is extremely hot. And for someone who has no idea that it could be really hot, its 100s and when you go out of the house, geez, then you start sweating and you haven't done anything yet! Hehehe...still the trip was well worth it. I took a lot of pictures and the drive going there is pretty interesting. You can really see the change in scenery from California green to the sparse Nevada landscape. And feel the temperature difference too!
There was much to see there but so little time and not enough energy too! The heat just dissipates your energy. I cannot remember the last time I went someplace just to visit like what we did in LV but I also learned not to squeeze way too many things to see and do in such as short visit. After all, if the place really is worthy of visiting again, then go ahead and visit it. Some of my companions had a different philosophy and thought that you have to squeeze every teeny tiny drop from every place. The disadvantage is that you don't really see the whole place. For example, we didn't even get to see all of the Vegas strip. We only got to Caesar's Palace, the Bellagio, MGM Grand, The Mirage and Treasure Island. The whole strip instead takes a lot of time. We went there during our first day in the afternoon, which although I enjoyed, would've been better visited at night when it wasn't that warm and we could see the lights. We did see the Bellagio Fountains which was well worth it and came back another day at night to see it. And it is a much better sight to see in the evening with the lights on. It's really amazing! Along with the water which seemed to be dancing, there was also the music to go along with it. We also saw a free show, the Sirens at Treasure Island. Hmmm...very attractive girls dancing around. And they only have their show at night. So there really is a lot to see even at night.
But we didn't confine ourselves to just the strip. We also went to Lake Mead and Hoover Dam. People enjoy water recreation activities at Lake Mead but cannot fish. You can just imagine the abundance of fish there. You can buy popcorn or bread to feed them and they do "swarm" around. Lots of them!!!
In Hoover Dam, the view is simply awesome too! You can clearly see how much the water has receded the last few years. Makes one wonder, with the growth in population if the water there will be sufficient to supply those 7 states with water.
We saved the best for last when we went to Grand Canyon West. This is different from Grand Canyon South which is run by the National Park. Grand Canyon West is run privately by the Hualapi Tribe in Arizona with their Skywalker which you have to pay extra ($29+). We contented ourselves with the basic package tour ($43). If you plan to stay longer, might as well pay for the food as well which is about 12 dollars. We went to three stops. Eagle's Point, Guano Point and Hualapi Ranch. The view is just spectacular everywhere you look.
And on the last day, we went to the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. For only $8, you could get a tour around one of the numerous tracks and who knows, even take a ride around the speedway. Wohoo!!! You really get your money's worth and more!
Whew, Las Vegas definitely is a place to visit, not only for its bright lights but also for nearby outdoor scenery.

There was much to see there but so little time and not enough energy too! The heat just dissipates your energy. I cannot remember the last time I went someplace just to visit like what we did in LV but I also learned not to squeeze way too many things to see and do in such as short visit. After all, if the place really is worthy of visiting again, then go ahead and visit it. Some of my companions had a different philosophy and thought that you have to squeeze every teeny tiny drop from every place. The disadvantage is that you don't really see the whole place. For example, we didn't even get to see all of the Vegas strip. We only got to Caesar's Palace, the Bellagio, MGM Grand, The Mirage and Treasure Island. The whole strip instead takes a lot of time. We went there during our first day in the afternoon, which although I enjoyed, would've been better visited at night when it wasn't that warm and we could see the lights. We did see the Bellagio Fountains which was well worth it and came back another day at night to see it. And it is a much better sight to see in the evening with the lights on. It's really amazing! Along with the water which seemed to be dancing, there was also the music to go along with it. We also saw a free show, the Sirens at Treasure Island. Hmmm...very attractive girls dancing around. And they only have their show at night. So there really is a lot to see even at night.
But we didn't confine ourselves to just the strip. We also went to Lake Mead and Hoover Dam. People enjoy water recreation activities at Lake Mead but cannot fish. You can just imagine the abundance of fish there. You can buy popcorn or bread to feed them and they do "swarm" around. Lots of them!!!
In Hoover Dam, the view is simply awesome too! You can clearly see how much the water has receded the last few years. Makes one wonder, with the growth in population if the water there will be sufficient to supply those 7 states with water.
We saved the best for last when we went to Grand Canyon West. This is different from Grand Canyon South which is run by the National Park. Grand Canyon West is run privately by the Hualapi Tribe in Arizona with their Skywalker which you have to pay extra ($29+). We contented ourselves with the basic package tour ($43). If you plan to stay longer, might as well pay for the food as well which is about 12 dollars. We went to three stops. Eagle's Point, Guano Point and Hualapi Ranch. The view is just spectacular everywhere you look.
And on the last day, we went to the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. For only $8, you could get a tour around one of the numerous tracks and who knows, even take a ride around the speedway. Wohoo!!! You really get your money's worth and more!
Whew, Las Vegas definitely is a place to visit, not only for its bright lights but also for nearby outdoor scenery.
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