I remembered an email that I got that we were supposed to give $10 for the end of year Special ed party. I knew at the back of my mind that I probably don't have that much cash, lol. I have quarters, $20 worth of them, but not bills, lol. Why? For laundry of course...hehehe...
So, here I am with one dollar bills in the wallet and nothing worth more than that, lol. I remember when I was back home, I'd feel so poor of I had less than fifty pesos. Why? That's because that doesn't really amount to much. Back then, lunch at the cafeteria cost something like sixty pesos. Yeah, that much. It was an expensive place to eat but beggars can't be choosers because I was too lazy to eat, lol. Worse was that sometimes, if you didn't reserve on time (in Munich campus), they would run out of food then you would have to go all the way to the main campus...and it was chaotic during lunch with tons of kids around. So again, that was a problem too. A place to eat in. Also, parents would swarm the area as well. These parents were too overprotective with their kids. Some even still spoon fed their kids. Yikers, and they were in elementary! What the heck! Tsk tsk tsk. And we wonder why kids are like what they are nowadays? That's because they've never had a hard life. And what do they do when they grow up and their parents aren't there to take care of their big and small problems? They're going to end up a burden to society. Tsk tsk tsk. I can imagine all those kids when they're all grown up....what a sad life....

So, here I am with one dollar bills in the wallet and nothing worth more than that, lol. I remember when I was back home, I'd feel so poor of I had less than fifty pesos. Why? That's because that doesn't really amount to much. Back then, lunch at the cafeteria cost something like sixty pesos. Yeah, that much. It was an expensive place to eat but beggars can't be choosers because I was too lazy to eat, lol. Worse was that sometimes, if you didn't reserve on time (in Munich campus), they would run out of food then you would have to go all the way to the main campus...and it was chaotic during lunch with tons of kids around. So again, that was a problem too. A place to eat in. Also, parents would swarm the area as well. These parents were too overprotective with their kids. Some even still spoon fed their kids. Yikers, and they were in elementary! What the heck! Tsk tsk tsk. And we wonder why kids are like what they are nowadays? That's because they've never had a hard life. And what do they do when they grow up and their parents aren't there to take care of their big and small problems? They're going to end up a burden to society. Tsk tsk tsk. I can imagine all those kids when they're all grown up....what a sad life....
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