I woke up after a fitful sleep around 8:30pm. I was hungry so I quickly defrosted my bacon, made steamed rice and fried the leftover rice. Then I had breakfast.
I read my usual book, checked my email and then decided to take a shower. My stomach was feeling queasy afterwards. I think its the oil from the bacon, my stomach just couldn't take it. So I took a pill, acid reducer and then changed into my house clothes (I was lounging around in my favorite robe) and then took a nap, hehehe...still not hungry, I watched Forensic files. Finally, my tummy couldn't take it so I heated the bacon and had a little rice and that was lunch. Went back to my room and back to watching Forensic files.
Leila popped her head in and asked if we could go to school tomorrow. And I said, cool. After all, my tummy wasn't in tip top condition so I might as well just laze around. Feeling guilty, I went about answering the Vineland Adaptive scale for the tri that I will soon have. That reminds me, I have to make a teacher's report. Then after that, I should have to prep the materials for the IEP on Monday. Time to do that tomorrow and yikers, better make a list just to be sure.
Then back to writing the IEP goals, just 4 of them because they're quite difficult to do, lol. And then back to reading my book. I've moved on to Social Studies and its interesting to read again about Rousseau, Locke, etc. I can't believe I have to remember them again. Oh well. Then more reading about the Industrial Revolution. Took a break just to write. And when I'm done with this, its time for dinner. I've officially asked Leila a taste of her food...hehehe...so much better than mine.
That reminds me, I should make plans on what I will eat next week. Lately, I haven't had much of an appetite everytime its lunch. I end up barely touching my food and that sucks! I hate wasting food. Think of all the people who actually don't have lunch and here I am, not touching mine. Grr...so I'm off rice for next week til I feel sufficiently hungry. I just might opt to buy bread and then cheese for lunch and apples again and drinks. If I get hungry, there's always dinner to make up to. But otherwise, I'm going to stay on the light side of food, and hopefully, get things back to normal. I think its stress related. I've got many deadlines (who doesn't have those, right?) but this time, I feel that it has affected my appetite and although I might not eat so much I'd rather do that than missing a meal and ending up with an ulcer! Much more expensive too what with medicatio and doctor's visits.
Time for dinner for me and then back to reading and reading and writing in my other website. Oh yeah, its my nephew's / inaanak's birthday. Well the celebration is on the 29th.
Happy birthday Dodong!!! Love from Auntie/Mama Ninang...hehehehe....

I read my usual book, checked my email and then decided to take a shower. My stomach was feeling queasy afterwards. I think its the oil from the bacon, my stomach just couldn't take it. So I took a pill, acid reducer and then changed into my house clothes (I was lounging around in my favorite robe) and then took a nap, hehehe...still not hungry, I watched Forensic files. Finally, my tummy couldn't take it so I heated the bacon and had a little rice and that was lunch. Went back to my room and back to watching Forensic files.
Leila popped her head in and asked if we could go to school tomorrow. And I said, cool. After all, my tummy wasn't in tip top condition so I might as well just laze around. Feeling guilty, I went about answering the Vineland Adaptive scale for the tri that I will soon have. That reminds me, I have to make a teacher's report. Then after that, I should have to prep the materials for the IEP on Monday. Time to do that tomorrow and yikers, better make a list just to be sure.
Then back to writing the IEP goals, just 4 of them because they're quite difficult to do, lol. And then back to reading my book. I've moved on to Social Studies and its interesting to read again about Rousseau, Locke, etc. I can't believe I have to remember them again. Oh well. Then more reading about the Industrial Revolution. Took a break just to write. And when I'm done with this, its time for dinner. I've officially asked Leila a taste of her food...hehehe...so much better than mine.
That reminds me, I should make plans on what I will eat next week. Lately, I haven't had much of an appetite everytime its lunch. I end up barely touching my food and that sucks! I hate wasting food. Think of all the people who actually don't have lunch and here I am, not touching mine. Grr...so I'm off rice for next week til I feel sufficiently hungry. I just might opt to buy bread and then cheese for lunch and apples again and drinks. If I get hungry, there's always dinner to make up to. But otherwise, I'm going to stay on the light side of food, and hopefully, get things back to normal. I think its stress related. I've got many deadlines (who doesn't have those, right?) but this time, I feel that it has affected my appetite and although I might not eat so much I'd rather do that than missing a meal and ending up with an ulcer! Much more expensive too what with medicatio and doctor's visits.
Time for dinner for me and then back to reading and reading and writing in my other website. Oh yeah, its my nephew's / inaanak's birthday. Well the celebration is on the 29th.
Happy birthday Dodong!!! Love from Auntie/Mama Ninang...hehehehe....
Thanks Auntie Mama Ninang! I enjoyed my party. Jollibee was the guest of honor!
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