Friday, November 21, 2008

The end of the month before you know it

I can't believe that November is almost over. Next week, we will only be in school for two days, Monday and Tuesday and then its Thanksgiving break. Thank goodness!

It's my first Thanksgiving here and people are making plans. Well, my plan is not to have a plan. LOL. Well, probably stay home, ponder on the report cards that I have to make as well as start preparing for my next annual IEP.

The good news is that it is still in January but I can always start by preparing for the assessment that I will do, this time using the Woodcock - Johnson. And then there's the TRI coming up for another student. That's something else to prepare too.

November seems very short now that I look back. There was the Veteran's Day and the CEA Non Duty day. And now, Thanksgiving.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, let me think of the things that I am thankful for. And they are numerous if I really think about it.

I am thankful for my job, in light of the recession hitting the US as well as other parts of the globe. I am reminded of a poem about being grateful, or something like that. If we want to know how it is to have a job, then ask a jobless person who hasn't worked in a long time. Despite the seemingly endless things that I need to do, at the same time, I'm learning a lot of things that I wouldn't not have learned back home. A different perspective on things and see how things work here and the way things are back home.

I am grateful for my health. It is cold here and I am afraid that I might get sick and no one will take care of me. Unlike back home where I can call my mom and stay with her to recuperate. There is always that reassurance that someone's going to look out for me. Here, it's pretty much trying to fend for myself.

I am grateful for my family. I may not be there with them physically but my thoughts are always with them.

I am grateful for my friends and colleagues. They are always there to cheer me on and keep my spirits up. And its a great feeling to know that they're there to support me no matter what. It may be from something trivial like giving me a ride to Target so I could buy my favorite soda to thinking positive thoughts my way as I prepare for my IEP.

I am grateful to be here. That I continue to grow as a person, both emotionally, spiritually and career-wise. The last couple of years, I felt like I was in a rut. But now, I'm definitely out of the rut and its amazing how much I still need to learn. Not just about work but also more importantly about myself.

What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving?

Oh yeah, I don't think the turkeys will be grateful this season. I will do my best to steer clear of the turkey then. And just have pork, lol.


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